Babywearing Educator Spotlight: Amber Kozak


Babywearing educators are a wonderful asset to the babywearing community. Their experience, knowledge and passion for babywearing can help caregivers overcome challenges, find solutions, and gain confidence in wearing their baby. We appreciate the role that babywearing educators play in our community and we are excited to celebrate their role through this series of babywearing educator spotlights.

Our next Babywearing Educator spotlight is on a passionate educator we recently met at the 2016 BOND conference. We asked Amber Kozak, of Babywearing Unicorn, to answer some questions about herself and her role as an educator.

Where are you currently offering your services? 

Philadelphia PA and the surrounding areas

Tell us about your babywearing related work? 

I am a CBWS-trained babywearing consultant, and started my business called “Babywearing Unicorn” this spring. I offer in home babywearing consultations, and classes about kangaroo care and attachment parenting. I also work in a retail store in south Philadelphia called “CLOTH” that sells baby carriers cloth diapers. At “CLOTH”, myself and 3 other educators give free babywearing help to people who come into the store. I have been working there since February of this year. 

During consultations I teach about anatomy, physiology and the different types and brands of carriers, their differences and their history. For an in home consultation I bring about 20 carriers with me and the consultation lasts about 2 hours.

 I also volunteer with and co-created Philly Babywearing Group. With Philly Babywearing group, I help with free fit checks and co-host meetings for my community in a group setting. I will also be volunteering at a shelter for homeless pregnant women in Philadelphia. I am really excited about that!

How did you get involved with baby wearing? 

I started babywearing my daughter when she was born in 2014 and have loved it ever sense. Through babywearing with my daughter, inspiration from friends, and the huge babywearing community I was apart of in Denver, I decided to become a babywearing educator. I started a Facebook group, for local meetings in Philadelphia, to meet friends and to help people try on Tula baby carriers. I also would help friends get comfortable in other carriers and experimented with many carriers in my personal time. It is something I am very passionate about and I wanted to offer more information for my community. So, I made the decision to take an intensive (and thorough I might add) training course with Center for Babywearing Studies to become a certified babywearing consultant. Combined with my hands on experience and this course I now confidently teach babywearing on a professional level.

What do you find most rewarding as a babywearing educator?

Seeing that moment when it all “clicks” for the parent and they feel confident and comfortable. 


What is one important tip you like to share with new or first-time babywearers?

 What works for one parent may not work for you. There is no one size fits all carrier and trying on multiple carriers will really help you pick the carrier that is right for you and your baby. 

To connect with Amber, visit her Facebook page (

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The post Babywearing Educator Spotlight: Amber Kozak appeared first on Baby Tula Blog.

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