Babywearing Educator Spotlight: Kelsey Stone

Babywearing educators are a wonderful asset to the babywearing community and families wanting to explore options for carrying their child(ren). Their experience, knowledge and passion for babywearing can help caregivers overcome challenges, find solutions, and gain confidence in wearing their baby. We appreciate the role that babywearing educators play in our community and we are excited to celebrate their role through this series of babywearing educator spotlights.

Our next Babywearing Educator spotlight is on a dedicated educator that volunteers for her local babywearing community group. We asked Kelsey Stone, of Toledo Area Babywearers, to answer some questions about herself and her role as a babywearing educator.

Where are you currently offering your services? 

Northwest Ohio

Tell us about your babywearing related work? 

We are a group of babywearers in northwest Ohio, we love to share the babywearing love as well as share our knowledge with all of those in our group. We host two monthly meetings at a local church on the second Saturday at 10am, as well as the fourth Monday at 5pm. We also do classes at a local babies r us every second Thursday.

How did you get involved with baby wearing? 

I first got involved with babywearing with my now 5 year old daughter Kaitlyn, which I wore in a way too big pouch sling and a narrow based carrier I couldn’t get to work. Now, I wear my now two year old Joseph almost daily even now. I joined the group and eventually took over the previous leaders role and now lead our local group.

What do you find most rewarding as a babywearing educator?

What I find most rewarding is the look on a caregivers face when it finally clicks, or when we finally get that perfect fit, and when carries get easier and faster for them to do. Most of all, I love when people approach me and thank me from the bottom of their hearts. All those feel good moments, they make being a babywearing educator worth it.

What is one important tip you like to share with new or first-time babywearers?

If I had to pass on a single important tip to a fellow babywearer, it would be to never give up and keep on trying. I used to take 10 minutes to do a double hammock and I was exhausted, or finding the fit on a favorite buckle carrier just right made me so angry. But over time I mastered the carries, as well as fit.

To connect with Kelsey, visit the Toledo Area Babywearers’ Facebook page (

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