Babywearing Educator Spotlight: Kristy Gill

Babywearing educators are a wonderful asset to the babywearing community. Their experience, knowledge and passion for babywearing can help caregivers overcome challenges and gain confidence in wearing their baby. We appreciate the role that babywearing educators play in our community and we are excited to celebrate their role through this series of babywearing educator spotlights.

Our next Babywearing Educator spotlight is on a passionate long time educator from the Denver Metro Area. We asked Kristy Gill, of  Babywearing Basics, to answer some questions about herself and her role as an educator.

Tell Us About Your Business.
Babywearing Basics is based in the Denver Metro area. We do small group workshops and private consultations to give caregivers hands on help, and to support them in finding the best fit with their carriers.
We also work with several retailers and manufactures doing anything from training staff, helping with events and meetups, to working at trade shows and conferences.

How did you get involved with babywearing?
Previous to my oldest being born in 2010, I had been a nanny and actually wore the baby I cared for so I knew it was a great parenting tool. When my oldest was born, he always wanted to be in my arms, so using a carrier made life easier as a new mother. We lived in SoCal at the time, and I actually lived right across the street from Laura Brown, founder of Babywearing LA, so I quickly fell down the rabbit hole. Some neighbors borrow sugar, and I borrowed carriers. When we moved to Colorado, I knew I wanted to get involved in the local community and help parents with a tool that is invaluable in my own parenting journey.


What do you find most rewarding as a babywearing educator?

I do a lot of work with new moms who don’t know that “babywearing” is a thing. Carriers are just another piece of baby gear (and to some it remains that way, and that is okay, too). Helping them to find a carrier that works for them, and empower them on their own parenting journey is really fulfilling for me.

What is one important tip you like to share with new or first time babywearers?

If at first you don’t succeed, try again – or find a group or educator that can help you! Sometimes getting hands on help can make all the difference when trying to get a good fit with your carrier. 


To connect with Kristy, visit her Facebook page and Instagram.

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