Building Community – Tula Aloha Style

Earlier this year, we (Ula and Mike) had the opportunity to visit Hawaii with our children. One thing led to another, and soon we were planning a meet up with the local Baby Tula group, Tula Aloha! Our trip was amazing, but the most humbling part was hearing the cadences of how Baby Tula has helped so many find a community that they could relate to, a support system and family when far away from their own, and a group of mamas and daddies who, due to their common love for Tula Baby Carriers, were instant friends and willing to help with whatever, whenever!

We love community and family, and to us there is no greater benefit than to have the chance to see parents and caregivers holding their loved ones close, and to make connections to others, and that’s why we are excited to share some of their stories and connections. We couldn’t be happier than to be able to witness and be a part of this growing love and connection of Tula and babywearing building communities.  Thank you for letting us share your words, Tula Aloha!

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“Being a mom is the best blessing and my Tula has only enhanced that experience. Tula has helped me find a community who shares the love of holding their babies close and exploring beautiful Hawaii. It’s incredible to find a welcoming group that makes it feel like home here.”
– Kristian Harris

“It all started with one Tula. Every time I wear it, I know it’s going to strike up a conversion and every time I see a parent wearing a Tula while out in public, I know that we will have an instant connection. Tula has led me the most uplifting and welcoming group, my Tula ohana, and with them I have gained confidence and family!”
– Brittani Cooper

“Friendly. Funny. Helpful. Generous. Kind. These are just some words to describe the parents and children I’ve been lucky to meet because of a common interest in something as simple as a baby carrier. It’s amazing to see everyone come together to enjoy playdates, give back to our local community, and just enjoy babywearing!”
– Lisa Johnson

“Being a first time mom, I didn’t have a community of mommy friends to call on when I didn’t have a clue what I was doing!  Not only did (Tula) provide me with a way to bond with my daughter and build confidence in my ability to care for her, it also gave me a community of like-minded mamas that I now call some of my closest friends!” 
– Jodie Burgess

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Written by Abigail Agpar

How can I help?  It’s a phrase heard around Tula Aloha even more often than “Tula in the Wild.”

Whether it’s sponsoring a Tula for a family in need, a last minute babysitter, a stocking buddy or just a supportive ear, brought together initially by their love of Tula Baby Carriers, Tula Aloha families have built a community filled with love and support that extends beyond a love of Tulas and babywearing and reaches out to serve the community around us with several volunteer events throughout the year.

For our March playdate, we wanted to find a way to help not one, or two, but as many families in our community as possible. We chose to hold a donation drive in support of a local spouse and children’s abuse shelter. What started out as a small event hoping to raise a few car trips of donations quickly became something much greater. The messages came flying in: “I’d like to contribute,” “How do I volunteer,” “What I can I donate,” and of course “How can I help?” Work-at-home-moms and local small businesses teamed up; strangers working side by side collecting, sorting, packing, lugging – all while baby wearing and making new friends. At the end of a very long day, we delivered a U-Haul truck FULL of essential items including over 1000 lbs. of clothing and almost 900 needed items. Instead of “I’m so tired,” it was “Please let me know if you need anything,” and “When can we do this again?” A month later, as donations continue to come in and we plan for our next event, this Ohana continues to love and support each other, along with the community around us, in any way we can.

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