Love What You Do: Cool Moms Podcast

Love What You Do: Cool Moms Podcast

This blog post is part of our "Love What You Do" series where we shine a light on the extraordinary things that YOU do in the parenting community. In this series, we interview the people behind exciting projects or beneficial services that help families in the postpartum or early phases of parenting. We hope by highlighting these people and their projects, you'll be able to expand your circle of support and learn important things as you and baby grow. 

In this "Love What You Do" blog, we chatted with Lizzy Okpo, Co-Host of the Cool Moms Podcast. Lizzy is the co-founder of women's wear brand, William Okpo, and started the Cool Moms podcast with friend and artist, Elsie Peterson, shortly after the birth of her child, Irem. On their podcast, the two invite other creative women who are tackling motherhood and their careers to have candid conversations. Cool Moms not only serves up aspirational stories but will have you giggling at the relatability. Read on to learn more about the Cool Moms podcast.

Baby Tula: What makes your podcast unique?

Lizzy Okpo of Cool Moms: Elise and I have a way of sharing our candor that is not only relatable to a wide-scale audience but is relaxing. We have a way of taking the edge off and inspiring new moms and/or working moms to owning their current place in life.

BT: What motivated you to create “Cool Moms”?

LO: We became mothers, and for the first time, we realized there was an ongoing list of unsaid things that happen when you become a mom. We’ve realized this entire time moms have been going through all of these motions and we were clueless of the ups and downs. We are both artists amongst other things and knew that our identities can’t be sacrificed or put on the back burner now that we have these little babies on our waist. We wanted to tell the story about mothers who make both motherhood and careers their passion.

BT: What have you learned from your conversations with other women surrounding motherhood and artistic/creative expression?

LO: There is no wrong way and things always work out.

BT: Do you have any tips for someone wanting to return to or explore creative endeavors after becoming a parent?

LO: You can reroute your journey, you can slow down, but never settle.

BT: How can people stay up to date with you two and “Cool Moms”?

Check out @talkcoolmoms on Instagram

Cool Moms is available on : Spotify, iheartradio, iTunes , SoundCloud

Give it a listen! 



Thank you so much to Lizzy for chatting with us! And stay tuned for more features from our "Love What You Do" series.  



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