Sharing Your Rainbow Stories For National Rainbow Baby Day

Sharing Your Rainbow Stories For National Rainbow Baby Day

Photo shared by Jessica Carey

“A rainbow is a promise of sunshine after rain. Of joy after sadness. Of peace after pain. Of love after loss” - unknown. 

What's a Rainbow Baby?

A rainbow baby is welcomed by a family after experiencing  the loss of a child due to miscarriage, adoption loss, stillbirth, or death in infancy. They can represent renewed hope and love after some of the most difficult struggles that a family can face and they hold a special place in our hearts as our community has grown to include many rainbow babies
Rainbow babies are one of the reasons we so often like to create carrier prints and blankets with rainbows on them. We truly adore seeing you all celebrate your rainbow babies cuddled up on the different rainbow prints and other Tula items we have created throughout the years. 
We asked you, our community, to join us in celebrating rainbow babies by sharing their stories and precious photos. Read some of those stories and celebrate all the rainbow babies today and every day. 

Left photo: Adrienne Thames; Right photo: Samara Hedges

Left photo: Cara Gagliardo; Right Photo: Daisy Buraus


From L to R: Lauren Eggert, Samara Hedges, and Sara Amado


Thank you to everyone who shared their stories and photos with us. 

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