Our next Tula Signature release, happening September 23rd at 6pm PT, includes a selection of carriers and accessories made with Girasol Light. This special exclusive design was created to acknowledge Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month and proceeds from the sales of the Signature Light carriers and accessories will be benefitting the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. Read on to learn more about this important cause and the inspiration behind the design of "Light".
Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month is a time to pause and let go of the stigma surrounding mental health and suicide and be a light to the 800,000 lost every year. In dark and trying times, there can be more of a challenge to see the light in our world, and in the people around us. Many of us hold someone's memory dear to our hearts who have lost their battle with depression, or we are walking that road ourselves, perhaps even attempted in the past.
In opening this dialogue in our communities, we were able to make connections with other parents who hold this battle close to their hearts. Depression, postpartum mental health issues, anxiety, trauma, so many events in our lives that make Light not only important, but necessary. As we continue to have these discussions with each other, to break down walls and let light shine through, we need to work harder to remove the stigma surrounding mental health in parents, and learn about symptomatic behavior, and how we can help.
We felt that creating carriers and accessories in honor of this important cause would not only serve as a reminder, but also serve as a way to inspire conversation around mental health and suicide prevention.

In 2017, a pattern "Light" was developed by former retailer, Abby's Lane, using a stained glass image to illustrate the importance of light in this world, in connection with the fight against suicide. In the dark, stained glass will all look the same. Nothing but darkness, maybe a few promises of color if you look closely, but until illuminated the vibrance and beauty cannot shine though. The colors associated with Suicide Awareness are purple and teal, prominent in both the original stained glass design and the Girasol woven that was fan-voted earlier in 2020.
We have selected to donate a portion of the proceeds from the Signature "Light" carriers and accessories to a worthy organization providing support to those seeking light.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They're committed to improving crisis services and advancing suicide prevention by empowering individuals, advancing professional best practices, and building awareness.
We hope that you will consider this organization if you are in a place to give this year. Even sharing their social media posts on your platforms helps to bring awareness and dialogue in the coming months: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/