While Baby Tula grows, the people that make up our company continue to be our essence. We continue to work closely with our community and have, from our early days, worked with real families for our photo shoots. We would like to introduce you to the families that make up Baby Tula. Mothers, fathers, and children that enjoy Baby Tula carriers and the closeness that babywearing brings them. Meet Rina & Raven!
Tell us more about you two and your family! I know you have lived in some exciting places!
We are an active duty Marine Corps family so we do get to move around a lot. We’ve called San Diego our home for two years but also have lived in South Carolina, Virginia, and Hawaii. We’re looking forward to our next adventure already although San Diego will be very hard to beat!
How is babywearing a part of your family?
My husband deployed two weeks after Raven was born and I remember being gifted a baby carrier shortly before then. Wearing Raven, especially during those first few months where it was just her and I really helped me get things done around the house while keeping her close and constantly having that physical bond. Once daddy got back 6 months later, he was all about babywearing and we feel that it helped them bond almost seamlessly. Raven will be 3 in November and we still get to get some “uppies” in on those difficult days where she needs to feel secure but mama still has things to do around the house.
What has been your favorite photoshoot that you have done with Baby Tula?
This is a hard one! I feel like all of our photoshoots have been an incredible experience in their own right. But if I had to pick only one, it would have to be the one that included Martin at the beach in La Jolla. He’s such a low-key guy so to have him in the photos wearing Raven and sharing that moment with the “babywearing world” gives me all the feels.
You’re an experienced ring sling and woven wrap user! What is your favorite asset to each carrier? Was there a type of carrier that you turned to at different stages in your life and Raven’s development?
I love the Ring Slings for when Raven was younger. I think it was so perfect when she was itty bitty and it was so easy to slip her in and out of it and nurse her in it too.
As she got older and more mobile and active, I appreciate the woven wraps because I feel like I could get a snug and “customized” fit each and every time.
How does your Tula Baby Carrier help you to keep doing what you love?
I love to exercise and stay active and our Tula has helped me get workouts in even on those days when Raven couldn’t stand to be put down. I was able to still work out at home or outside while keeping her close making it a win-win situation.
The post Tula Families: Rina & Raven appeared first on Baby Tula Blog.