Make A Plan To Vote

Make A Plan To Vote

Voting gives each of us a voice in shaping the future for our families, our communities, and our country. With election day in the US less than 2 weeks away, we encourage you to make a plan to vote. That might be in person, at a dropbox, or by mail. Whatever method you decide to take, it’s a good idea to analyze your plan now. Better yet, vote NOW if you can. 

We've compiled some resources and information to help you prepare to cast your ballot. If you already have a plan, these resources may be handy when you check in with families and friends to make sure they are prepared to vote too!

 We know parenthood often means that children are involved in the voting process. If you are taking your #tulatothepolls, tag us on social media. We would love to see it.

1. Confirm you are registered.  
Social media has made it hard to ignore this step, but it’s worth mentioning. Did your name or address change? Those scenarios may mean you need to update!
Registration deadlines vary, but there is still time to register in many states. In some states, you can register all the way up to election day. Check your state’s deadline here and confirm you are registered here.

2. Voting by mail?
Don’t procrastinate! USPS recommends that voters mail their completed ballots at least one week prior to your state’s deadline. Here is an overview of the ballot deadlines.

3. Can’t bring your kids with you to the polls?
Open up the conversation about civic duty with books! Check out this list of books for raising voters, advocates, activists, and future presidents.

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As parents we know it can be hard to find creative and age appropriate ways to discuss social justice and all the uncertainty in the world with our children.⠀ Finding quality material to engage your kids in social activism, voting and other social justice issues can be overwhelming, and daunting especially if you're unsure of where or how to start.⠀ Most of us were not raised with age appropriate books on the electoral college, the process of voting or even who can vote! Fortunately we have the power to change that with our own children.⠀ We thought it was high time we made a list of books to share with kids of all ages!⠀ ⠀ With distance learning, children are more tuned in to their parents conversations as we are all at home. Why not shake up the curriculum with some new books on subjects we may not be well versed in that allows our children to learn beyond the "required reading".⠀ ⠀ Check out our latest blog: Books for Raising Voters, Advocates, Activists and Future Presidents. Our staffed helped us compile a list of their favorite books but we want to hear from you too! What books are you reading or have read with or to your children? Let us know in the comments!n ⠀ ⠀ #KidsRising #MomsRising⠀ #MomsReading #KidsReading #RaisingAdvocatesAndActivists

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4. If you don’t want to vote in person on election day or mail in your ballot, you still have options! 38 states, and the District of Columbia offer early in-person voting. In 24 states you can even vote on Saturday and Sunday. 

If you are in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, District of Columbia, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, or Wyoming you can vote in person NOW! 

Sources: Early voting Early Voting Calendar

5. Mail-in ballots do not necessarily have to be mailed in.
In many cases, they can be dropped off at your local election office. They can also be hand-delivered at the polls. Some areas even have ballot collection drop boxes. Be sure to confirm with your local election office first before dropping off your ballot in a collection box.
Voter Information Directory 

6. Be Patient.
With the potential for more mail-in voters than ever, it could take some time to find out who our next president will be.

Reference: Election Day could turn into "Election Week" with rise in mail ballots

7. Protect the Vote!
Election protection is serious business and knowing your rights as a voter is important. If you think your voting rights have been denied, don’t back down. 866 OUR VOTE has trained election protection volunteers to help.

Election Protection: Know your Rights as a Voter |

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