I’ve tried the Pearl Firenze ring sling earlier, a very soft and easily adjusted Tencel® blend, and was very happy when I heard I had a triweave long wrap coming. I love triweave – it’s really something overall very nice with the triple threads intertwined, even if all triweaves aren’t the same of course.
Anyhow, let’s get down to the details of this one! It’s called Love Avant-garde (Avant-garde being the colourway) and it’s Tula’s much loved Love (haha!) design with big, clean hearts evenly dispersed over the wrap. The hearts are facing opposite directions so there’s no up or down on the woven wrap which I think is great. Discovering that a wrap is on the wrong way after tying off really bugs me. This Love really is lovely with a clear, icy blue, a crisp white and a bronze coloured thread combined to make a distinct pattern with bronze and snow white hearts on a sky blue base. The “wrong” side is bronze with blue hearts and the hearts that are white on the “right” side looks grey on the wrong. I do think this is a wrap that actually does have a right and wrong side and it’s hemmed accordingly. The weave is pretty airy but the wrap still has a substantial body and weighs in at an impressive 359 gsm. Not to worry though, it’s fluid and spongy and not unyielding in any way, even though I’d probably use this more with a growing babe or toddler than a newborn. It was absolutely perfect for my 1 yo, lots of cush and snuggly fabric for a FWCC nap! (Do you know how much easier taking pictures is when the tiny model is sound asleep? A lot. A lot easier.)

I also used it in a simple ruck with my 3 yo. He loves light blue and he loves hearts so this one was an instant favourite of his, which makes me love it just a little bit more… I was a bit worried that the bounce in the weave would result in some sagging when carrying a heavy child in a single layer carry, but it stays in place beuatifully. The cush is really, really great and those shoulder pleats make it super comfy on the shoulders. It’s a pattern with lots of space and not much texture but it still has a decent amount of grip. Tencel is otherwise a pretty shiny (and therefore sometimes slippery) fibre, made from wood cellulose, but I think the little “bumps” in the weave add just that bit of friction to keep it secure in a knot or hold a second layer of fabric in place.

All in all, Love Avant-garde is a very good, easy care all around wrap suitable for anyone except maybe the tiniest newborns. It’s soft and silky, pretty cool to the touch, and I can definitely see this shine as a long wrap as well as a shorty. Something tells me this would make a really nice rebozo or ring sling, but the length of a size 6, as this one is, really is a treat.
See more photos and read the whole review on Lotta’s own blog: http://elkmarket.blogspot.com/
The post Tula Woven Review: Tula Love Avant-Garde by Lotta Löthgren appeared first on Baby Tula Blog.